
An Innovative Approach

We are actively committed to offering the market disruptive plant protection solutions with a high level of performance. We are developing the world’s first biocontrol product with a “Synergistic” mode of action, for :
  • Increasing the sensitivity of pathogenic fungi to plant defenses
  • Improving the efficiency of associated biocontrol solutions
  • Reduce the number of fungicides used

At the origin of innovation

Reliable and collaborative research

Innovation is part of Green Impulse’s DNA. The company has established its plant disease research activities on the Angers Plant Campus near the INRAE and the Research Institute in Horticulture and Seeds (IRHS). We value ten years of public research that has been the subject of patents. The innovations developed by Green Impulse are the result of close collaboration with partner laboratories. The Green Impulse R&D team works daily on the biosolutions of tomorrow.

Green Impulse is National Winner of the i-Lab and i-Nov 2020 innovation competitions.

Our projects are awarded prizes by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), and financially supported by the Plan d’Investissement d’Avenir (PIA), in partnership with ADEME and BPI France.

The Végépolys-Valley competitiveness cluster labels Green Impulse.

Our Research Partners

The main areas of expertise of T. Guillemette include plant pathology, microbiology, functional genomics, and molecular biology. After completing his Ph.D. in 2003 at the University of Angers, he has been involved in the Aspergillus niger genome sequence initiative. In collaboration with David Archer’s group (Nottingham, UK), the Dutch company DSM.


In 2005, he joined the plant pathology research team in Angers as an assistant professor and then was appointed Professor in 2017 in the Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds. His research covers different scales from the field to the genes and aims to understand better mechanisms involved in the fungal infectious process and disease development to propose novel durable disease control strategies. He is also the deputy director of the Research Federative Structure QUASAV and is strongly involved in training at the University of Angers.

A professor in pharmacognosy at the UFR of Pharmaceutical Sciences and vice-president of Végépolys Innovation (the competitiveness cluster’s R&D center), Pascal heads the SONAS research unit, whose activities focus on the valorization of natural substances. This theme has given rise to numerous industrial collaborations, which have notably resulted in a dozen patents, a third of which private partners exploit.

About IRHS

The Research Institute in Horticulture and Seeds brings together the leading players in plant biology research in Angers, under the supervision of INRAE, AGROCAMPUS OUEST and the UNIVERSITY of ANGERS.

This large laboratory, created in 2012 from the merger of four research units, has 250 people. It brings together geneticists/genomicists, phytopathologists, physiologists/ecophysiologists, biochemists, modelers, bioinformaticians and biophysicists in the quality and health service of horticultural species and seed production.

Its mission is to develop high-performance, healthy, and sustainable production systems for these food and ornamental plants.

Scientific Advisory Board

After a Ph.D. from INA-PG (National Agronomic Institute Paris-Grignon) in plant pathology, M.N. Brisset was recruited at INRAE in Angers in 1992 as a Research Fellow to work on apple fire blight. She gradually became interested in plant immunity and stimulated it to protect apple orchards against its various pests.


She is currently leading a research group at the IRHS specializing in plant defence stimulators (or SDPs), Their activities range from molecular exploration of modes of action to efficient integration into technical itineraries to reduce pesticide use via the investigation of sources of variability in the expression of immunity.

Prof. Patrick Saulnier, 54 years old, who trained in Physical-Chemistry in the University of Pau, France, teaches Biophysics and Biostatistics at the School of Pharmacy, Angers University. He acquired a solid foundation in the domain of bicontinuous systems (microemulsions, liquid crystals, micellar assemblies) and, more particularly, in the methods used to synthesize and to characterize them.


He leads a team (MINT) of around 60 researchers with the INSERM and CNRS labels. His research at the frontiers of physical chemistry and the pharmaceutical technology concerns more particularly the development of colloidal systems formulated at the nanometric scale and used as drug delivery systems. The keywords that match his competencies are Biostatistics, Nanoparticles, Drug Targeting, Physical-Chemistry of Interfaces and Colloidal Systems.

Antoine is an engineer trained in water chemistry and microbiology and has been working in the world of analysis for more than twenty years. A specialist in the developing complex analytical methods for organic contaminants, he collaborates with numerous research structures on ANR projects and supervises doctoral theses.


An expert in mass spectrometry, he now leads the GIRPA laboratory’s analytical chemistry development teams with rigorous quality processes (GLP and ISO 17025) around studies relating to the approval of phytosanitary products/biocides and biocontrol and analyses for food safety purposes.

GREEN IMPULSE relies on a network of partners