Lancement KITAE

GREEN IMPULSE, le précurseur et spécialiste des Synergistes de bio-contrôles pour la protection des plantes, lance « KITAE » sa première référence technologique en faveur de la protection durable des cultures

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Le 2 Décembre 2019,

En attendant le lancement de son Synergiste de Bio-contrôle, GREEN IMPULSE propose son premier produit Stimulateur des Défenses des Plantes (SDP) qui sera présenté au SIVAL 2020, et nominé dans la catégorie « intrants, protection des cultures » au concours d’innovation SIVAL. Cette nouvelle référence, est une brique technologique supplémentaire pour permettre aux producteurs de réduire significativement l’usage du cuivre et des fongicides de synthèse en traitement des maladies des cultures et ainsi donner pleine satisfaction aux maraîchers et légumiers, producteurs de carotte notamment, culture sur laquelle « KITAE » est particulièrement efficace.

GREEN IMPULSE a été fondée début 2019 à Angers par Alexandre OLIVAUD et Emmanuel PAJOT expérimentés dans le domaine du bio-contrôle et de la protection des cultures. La technologie en cours de valorisation est issue de nombreuses années de recherches réalisées par les laboratoires IRHS (équipe FUNGISEM) et SONAS (Université d’Angers) et basés au cœur du Campus du Végétal. Ces 2 laboratoires sont respectivement spécialistes des champignons pathogènes des plantes et des substances naturelles, principalement d’origine végétale (extraction-purification, analyses, synthèse, valorisation biologique). GREEN IMPULSE valorise cette technologie brevetée par l’acquisition d’une licence d’exploitation exclusive en partenariat avec la SATT Ouest Valorisation.

Les champignons sont responsables de 80% des maladies connues à ce jour chez les plantes cultivées et entraînent des pertes de production d’environ 15% à l’échelle mondiale. La lutte contre ces maladies fongiques est essentiellement réalisée par l’emploi de produits phytosanitaires de synthèse (fongicides). La protection des cultures est amenée à évoluer vers de nouvelles stratégies ne reposant plus uniquement sur l’utilisation des pesticides. Dans ce contexte, GREEN IMPULSE s’engage dans le développement de nouvelles stratégies de luttes contre les champignons pathogènes des plantes pour permettre une meilleure performance et un déploiement rapide des alternatives aux fongicides, notamment les produits de bio-contrôles.

Cet engagement de Green Impulse se traduit par le développement d’une nouvelle brique technologique,  « les Synergistes », qui consistent à fragiliser les champignons pathogènes, sans les tuer, afin de les rendre plus sensibles aux réponses de défenses naturelles des plantes (réponses immunitaires des plantes). Ainsi, toutes stratégies de protection basées sur les capacités naturelles des plantes à se défendre (ex : variété tolérantes ou résistante, Stimulateurs de Défenses des Plantes, SDP) associés aux Synergistes de GREEN IMPULSE, seront plus performantes et durables pour maîtriser le développement des maladies en agriculture.

Pour accélérer le développement industriel, la protection intellectuelle et obtenir les autorisations de mise sur le marché à l’échelle Européenne de son premier Synergiste de biocontrôle, GREEN IMPULSE a récemment levé 1 M€ (cf. communiqué de presse 12 nov. 2019). Cette levée de fond a déjà permis de valider l’embauche toute récente d’une première salariée doctorante, Ophélie DUBREU, dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE en lien avec les laboratoires Angevins partenaires (IRHS, SONAS, MINT). GREEN IMPULSE ambitionne également de participer au grand concours de l’innovation national I-Lab en janvier 2020 avec l’espoir de remporter ce concours et de représenter fièrement la Région des Pays de la Loire.

* Synergiste : Substance ou préparation renforçant l’activité de la/des substance(s) active(s) présente(s) dans le(s) produit(s) de protection des plantes.

Alexandre OLIVAUD, co-fondateur de GREEN IMPULSE« Nous sommes fiers avec Emmanuel de pouvoir présenter notre première référence « KITAE » au concours d’innovation SIVAL 2020  et espérons rencontrer les viticulteurs et maraîchers français sur notre stand  pour les convaincre des nombreux intérêts à intégrer cette référence dans leurs itinéraires techniques  ».

Emmanuel PAJOT, co-fondateur de GREEN IMPULSE : « Ce premier produit, né d’une relation ancienne avec le fabricant de ce produit, expert reconnu dans son domaine, en phase avec notre stratégie de mettre sur le marché des produits robustes, efficaces et accessibles qui permettront progressivement de réduire la dépendance de notre agriculture vis-à-vis du cuivre et des fongicides conventionnels ».

Contact GREEN IMPULSE : Alexandre OLIVAUD, Président co-fondateur,

Numéro de Stand SIVAL : GRAND PALAIS I 609


Thomas GUILLEMETTE, Membre du Laboratoire FungiSem (IRHS Angers) : « Le concept des « Synergiste » découle de plusieurs années de recherche fondamentale menées en étroite collaboration avec le laboratoire SONAS et fortement soutenues par l’Université d’Angers. Ce travail a conduit au dépôt d’un brevet puis a bénéficié d’un soutien de maturation par la SATT Ouest Valorisation. La collaboration avec GREEN IMPULSE permet de finaliser la valorisation de ces produits de protection des cultures et représente un bel exemple de complémentarité des expertises entre des entreprises et des laboratoires académiques.»


A propos de l’équipe de recherche FungiSem (IRHS Angers)

FungiSem est une équipe appartenant à l’Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences (IRHS) présent sur le campus du végétal et regroupant des personnels de recherche de l’INRA, de l’Université d’Angers et d’Agrocampus Ouest. Fungisem possède une expertise en microbiologie et biologie moléculaire dédiée à l’étude des interactions plantes-pathogènes dans un but de développement de méthodes innovantes de protection des cultures.


Vincent Lamande, Président de la SATT Ouest Valorisation

«  L’arrivée d’un produit éco-responsable sur le marché des produits de protection des cultures par bio-contrôle est une grande fierté pour la SATT qui accompagne les équipes de recherche (IRHS, SONAS et MINT) basées au cœur du Campus du Végétal depuis de nombreuses années dans leurs travaux de recherche. »


À propos de Ouest Valorisation

Depuis 2012, la SATT Ouest Valorisation œuvre chaque jour à être le pont entre la recherche publique et le monde socio-économique. Elle simplifie et professionnalise le transfert des innovations issues de la recherche académique française vers les entreprises. Les équipes de la SATT Ouest Valorisation, à l’écoute des laboratoires de recherche publics en Bretagne et Pays de la Loire et des entreprises, proposent une offre de services complète et sur-mesure.


Contact Ouest Valorisation 

Bruno Westeel // Responsable Marketing & Communication / 06 18 70 31 91

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launch KITAE®

GREEN IMPULSE, the precursor and specialist in biocontrol synergists for plant protection, launches « KITAE » its first technological reference for sustainable crop protection

2 December 2019,

While waiting for the launch of its Bio-control Synergist, GREEN IMPULSE proposes its first Plant Defence Stimulator (PDS) product which will be presented at SIVAL 2020, and nominated in the « inputs, crop protection » category at the SIVAL innovation competition. This new reference is an additional technological brick to enable producers to significantly reduce the use of copper and synthetic fungicides in the treatment of crop diseases and thus give full satisfaction to market gardeners and vegetable growers, especially carrot growers, a crop on which « KITAE » is particularly effective.

GREEN IMPULSE was founded at the beginning of 2019 in Angers by Alexandre OLIVAUD and Emmanuel PAJOT, both experienced in the field of bio-control and crop protection. The technology being developed is the result of many years of research carried out by the IRHS (FUNGISEM team) and SONAS (University of Angers) laboratories based at the heart of the Campus du Végétal. These 2 laboratories are respectively specialists in plant pathogenic fungi and natural substances, mainly of plant origin (extraction-purification, analysis, synthesis, biological valorisation). GREEN IMPULSE is developing this patented technology through the acquisition of an exclusive operating licence in partnership with SATT Ouest Valorisation.

Fungi are responsible for 80% of the diseases known to date in cultivated plants and cause production losses of around 15% on a global scale. The fight against these fungal diseases is essentially carried out through the use of synthetic phytosanitary products (fungicides). Crop protection is set to evolve towards new strategies that no longer rely solely on the use of pesticides. In this context, GREEN IMPULSE is committed to the development of new strategies to combat plant pathogenic fungi in order to improve the performance and rapid deployment of alternatives to fungicides, particularly bio-control products.

This commitment by Green Impulse is reflected in the development of a new technology, « Synergists », which consists of weakening pathogenic fungi, without killing them, in order to make them more sensitive to the plants’ natural defence responses (plant immune responses). Thus, all protection strategies based on the plants’ natural ability to defend themselves (e.g. tolerant or resistant varieties, Plant Defence Stimulators, PDS) associated with GREEN IMPULSE’s Synergists, will be more effective and sustainable in controlling the development of diseases in agriculture.

To accelerate the industrial development, the intellectual protection and to obtain the European marketing authorisations for its first biocontrol Synergist, GREEN IMPULSE has recently raised €1M (see press release 12 Nov. 2019). This fundraising has already enabled the company to validate the recent hiring of its first doctoral employee, Ophélie DUBREU, as part of a CIFRE agreement with its partner laboratories in Anjou (IRHS, SONAS, MINT). GREEN IMPULSE also aims to participate in the major national innovation competition I-Lab in January 2020 with the hope of winning this competition and proudly representing the Pays de la Loire region.

* Synergist: Substance or preparation reinforcing the activity of the active substance(s) present in the plant protection product(s).

Alexandre OLIVAUD, co-founder of GREEN IMPULSE: « Together with Emmanuel, we are proud to be able to present our first « KITAE » reference at the SIVAL 2020 innovation competition and we hope to meet French wine growers and market gardeners on our stand to convince them of the many advantages of integrating this reference into their technical itineraries.

Emmanuel PAJOT, co-founder of GREEN IMPULSE: « This first product, born of a long-standing relationship with the manufacturer of this product, a recognised expert in its field, is in line with our strategy of bringing to market robust, effective and accessible products that will gradually reduce our agriculture’s dependence on copper and conventional fungicides.

Contact GREEN IMPULSE: Alexandre OLIVAUD, President and co-founder,

SIVAL stand number: GRAND PALAIS I 609

Thomas GUILLEMETTE, Member of the FungiSem Laboratory (IRHS Angers): « The « Synergist » concept stems from several years of fundamental research conducted in close collaboration with the SONAS laboratory and strongly supported by the University of Angers. This work led to the filing of a patent and then benefited from maturation support from SATT Ouest Valorisation. The collaboration with GREEN IMPULSE will enable us to finalise the development of these crop protection products and is a good example of the complementary nature of the expertise of companies and academic laboratories.

About the FungiSem research team (IRHS Angers)

FungiSem is a team belonging to the Institute of Research in Horticulture and Seeds (IRHS) located on the Campus du Végétal and bringing together research staff from INRA, the University of Angers and Agrocampus Ouest. Fungisem has expertise in microbiology and molecular biology dedicated to the study of plant-pathogen interactions with a view to developing innovative crop protection methods.

Vincent Lamande, President of SATT Ouest Valorisation

« The arrival of an eco-responsible product on the bio-control crop protection market is a great source of pride for SATT, which has been supporting the research teams (IRHS, SONAS and MINT) based at the heart of the Campus du Végétal for many years in their research work.

About Ouest Valorisation

Since 2012, SATT Ouest Valorisation has been working every day to act as a bridge between public research and the socio-economic world. It simplifies and professionalises the transfer of innovations from French academic research to companies. SATT Ouest Valorisation’s teams, which are attentive to the needs of public research laboratories in Brittany and Pays de la Loire and of companies, offer a complete and tailor-made range of services.

Contact Ouest Valorisation 

Bruno Westeel // Responsable Marketing & Communication / 06 18 70 31 91

From left to right in the photo : Alexandre OLIVAUD, Ophélie DUBREU and Emmanuel PAJOT.

Photo of the two founders of GREEN IMPULSE, Alexandre OLIVAUD & Emmanuel PAJOT

Photo credit: Courrier de l’Ouest

Publications similaires

launch KITAE®

GREEN IMPULSE, the precursor and specialist in biocontrol synergists for plant protection, launches « KITAE » its first technological reference for sustainable crop protection

2 December 2019,

While waiting for the launch of its Bio-control Synergist, GREEN IMPULSE proposes its first Plant Defence Stimulator (PDS) product which will be presented at SIVAL 2020, and nominated in the « inputs, crop protection » category at the SIVAL innovation competition. This new reference is an additional technological brick to enable producers to significantly reduce the use of copper and synthetic fungicides in the treatment of crop diseases and thus give full satisfaction to market gardeners and vegetable growers, especially carrot growers, a crop on which « KITAE » is particularly effective.

GREEN IMPULSE was founded at the beginning of 2019 in Angers by Alexandre OLIVAUD and Emmanuel PAJOT, both experienced in the field of bio-control and crop protection. The technology being developed is the result of many years of research carried out by the IRHS (FUNGISEM team) and SONAS (University of Angers) laboratories based at the heart of the Campus du Végétal. These 2 laboratories are respectively specialists in plant pathogenic fungi and natural substances, mainly of plant origin (extraction-purification, analysis, synthesis, biological valorisation). GREEN IMPULSE is developing this patented technology through the acquisition of an exclusive operating licence in partnership with SATT Ouest Valorisation.

Fungi are responsible for 80% of the diseases known to date in cultivated plants and cause production losses of around 15% on a global scale. The fight against these fungal diseases is essentially carried out through the use of synthetic phytosanitary products (fungicides). Crop protection is set to evolve towards new strategies that no longer rely solely on the use of pesticides. In this context, GREEN IMPULSE is committed to the development of new strategies to combat plant pathogenic fungi in order to improve the performance and rapid deployment of alternatives to fungicides, particularly bio-control products.

This commitment by Green Impulse is reflected in the development of a new technology, « Synergists », which consists of weakening pathogenic fungi, without killing them, in order to make them more sensitive to the plants’ natural defence responses (plant immune responses). Thus, all protection strategies based on the plants’ natural ability to defend themselves (e.g. tolerant or resistant varieties, Plant Defence Stimulators, PDS) associated with GREEN IMPULSE’s Synergists, will be more effective and sustainable in controlling the development of diseases in agriculture.

To accelerate the industrial development, the intellectual protection and to obtain the European marketing authorisations for its first biocontrol Synergist, GREEN IMPULSE has recently raised €1M (see press release 12 Nov. 2019). This fundraising has already enabled the company to validate the recent hiring of its first doctoral employee, Ophélie DUBREU, as part of a CIFRE agreement with its partner laboratories in Anjou (IRHS, SONAS, MINT). GREEN IMPULSE also aims to participate in the major national innovation competition I-Lab in January 2020 with the hope of winning this competition and proudly representing the Pays de la Loire region.

* Synergist: Substance or preparation reinforcing the activity of the active substance(s) present in the plant protection product(s).

Alexandre OLIVAUD, co-founder of GREEN IMPULSE: « Together with Emmanuel, we are proud to be able to present our first « KITAE » reference at the SIVAL 2020 innovation competition and we hope to meet French wine growers and market gardeners on our stand to convince them of the many advantages of integrating this reference into their technical itineraries.

Emmanuel PAJOT, co-founder of GREEN IMPULSE: « This first product, born of a long-standing relationship with the manufacturer of this product, a recognised expert in its field, is in line with our strategy of bringing to market robust, effective and accessible products that will gradually reduce our agriculture’s dependence on copper and conventional fungicides.

Contact GREEN IMPULSE: Alexandre OLIVAUD, President and co-founder,

SIVAL stand number: GRAND PALAIS I 609

Thomas GUILLEMETTE, Member of the FungiSem Laboratory (IRHS Angers): « The « Synergist » concept stems from several years of fundamental research conducted in close collaboration with the SONAS laboratory and strongly supported by the University of Angers. This work led to the filing of a patent and then benefited from maturation support from SATT Ouest Valorisation. The collaboration with GREEN IMPULSE will enable us to finalise the development of these crop protection products and is a good example of the complementary nature of the expertise of companies and academic laboratories.

About the FungiSem research team (IRHS Angers)

FungiSem is a team belonging to the Institute of Research in Horticulture and Seeds (IRHS) located on the Campus du Végétal and bringing together research staff from INRA, the University of Angers and Agrocampus Ouest. Fungisem has expertise in microbiology and molecular biology dedicated to the study of plant-pathogen interactions with a view to developing innovative crop protection methods.

Vincent Lamande, President of SATT Ouest Valorisation

« The arrival of an eco-responsible product on the bio-control crop protection market is a great source of pride for SATT, which has been supporting the research teams (IRHS, SONAS and MINT) based at the heart of the Campus du Végétal for many years in their research work.

About Ouest Valorisation

Since 2012, SATT Ouest Valorisation has been working every day to act as a bridge between public research and the socio-economic world. It simplifies and professionalises the transfer of innovations from French academic research to companies. SATT Ouest Valorisation’s teams, which are attentive to the needs of public research laboratories in Brittany and Pays de la Loire and of companies, offer a complete and tailor-made range of services.

Contact Ouest Valorisation 

Bruno Westeel // Responsable Marketing & Communication / 06 18 70 31 91

Publications similaires

launch KITAE®

GREEN IMPULSE, the precursor and specialist in biocontrol synergists for plant protection, launches « KITAE » its first technological reference for sustainable crop protection

2 December 2019,

While waiting for the launch of its Bio-control Synergist, GREEN IMPULSE proposes its first Plant Defence Stimulator (PDS) product which will be presented at SIVAL 2020, and nominated in the « inputs, crop protection » category at the SIVAL innovation competition. This new reference is an additional technological brick to enable producers to significantly reduce the use of copper and synthetic fungicides in the treatment of crop diseases and thus give full satisfaction to market gardeners and vegetable growers, especially carrot growers, a crop on which « KITAE » is particularly effective.

GREEN IMPULSE was founded at the beginning of 2019 in Angers by Alexandre OLIVAUD and Emmanuel PAJOT, both experienced in the field of bio-control and crop protection. The technology being developed is the result of many years of research carried out by the IRHS (FUNGISEM team) and SONAS (University of Angers) laboratories based at the heart of the Campus du Végétal. These 2 laboratories are respectively specialists in plant pathogenic fungi and natural substances, mainly of plant origin (extraction-purification, analysis, synthesis, biological valorisation). GREEN IMPULSE is developing this patented technology through the acquisition of an exclusive operating licence in partnership with SATT Ouest Valorisation.

Fungi are responsible for 80% of the diseases known to date in cultivated plants and cause production losses of around 15% on a global scale. The fight against these fungal diseases is essentially carried out through the use of synthetic phytosanitary products (fungicides). Crop protection is set to evolve towards new strategies that no longer rely solely on the use of pesticides. In this context, GREEN IMPULSE is committed to the development of new strategies to combat plant pathogenic fungi in order to improve the performance and rapid deployment of alternatives to fungicides, particularly bio-control products.

This commitment by Green Impulse is reflected in the development of a new technology, « Synergists », which consists of weakening pathogenic fungi, without killing them, in order to make them more sensitive to the plants’ natural defence responses (plant immune responses). Thus, all protection strategies based on the plants’ natural ability to defend themselves (e.g. tolerant or resistant varieties, Plant Defence Stimulators, PDS) associated with GREEN IMPULSE’s Synergists, will be more effective and sustainable in controlling the development of diseases in agriculture.

To accelerate the industrial development, the intellectual protection and to obtain the European marketing authorisations for its first biocontrol Synergist, GREEN IMPULSE has recently raised €1M (see press release 12 Nov. 2019). This fundraising has already enabled the company to validate the recent hiring of its first doctoral employee, Ophélie DUBREU, as part of a CIFRE agreement with its partner laboratories in Anjou (IRHS, SONAS, MINT). GREEN IMPULSE also aims to participate in the major national innovation competition I-Lab in January 2020 with the hope of winning this competition and proudly representing the Pays de la Loire region.

* Synergist: Substance or preparation reinforcing the activity of the active substance(s) present in the plant protection product(s).

Alexandre OLIVAUD, co-founder of GREEN IMPULSE: « Together with Emmanuel, we are proud to be able to present our first « KITAE » reference at the SIVAL 2020 innovation competition and we hope to meet French wine growers and market gardeners on our stand to convince them of the many advantages of integrating this reference into their technical itineraries.

Emmanuel PAJOT, co-founder of GREEN IMPULSE: « This first product, born of a long-standing relationship with the manufacturer of this product, a recognised expert in its field, is in line with our strategy of bringing to market robust, effective and accessible products that will gradually reduce our agriculture’s dependence on copper and conventional fungicides.

Contact GREEN IMPULSE: Alexandre OLIVAUD, President and co-founder,

SIVAL stand number: GRAND PALAIS I 609

Thomas GUILLEMETTE, Member of the FungiSem Laboratory (IRHS Angers): « The « Synergist » concept stems from several years of fundamental research conducted in close collaboration with the SONAS laboratory and strongly supported by the University of Angers. This work led to the filing of a patent and then benefited from maturation support from SATT Ouest Valorisation. The collaboration with GREEN IMPULSE will enable us to finalise the development of these crop protection products and is a good example of the complementary nature of the expertise of companies and academic laboratories.

About the FungiSem research team (IRHS Angers)

FungiSem is a team belonging to the Institute of Research in Horticulture and Seeds (IRHS) located on the Campus du Végétal and bringing together research staff from INRA, the University of Angers and Agrocampus Ouest. Fungisem has expertise in microbiology and molecular biology dedicated to the study of plant-pathogen interactions with a view to developing innovative crop protection methods.

Vincent Lamande, President of SATT Ouest Valorisation

« The arrival of an eco-responsible product on the bio-control crop protection market is a great source of pride for SATT, which has been supporting the research teams (IRHS, SONAS and MINT) based at the heart of the Campus du Végétal for many years in their research work.

About Ouest Valorisation

Since 2012, SATT Ouest Valorisation has been working every day to act as a bridge between public research and the socio-economic world. It simplifies and professionalises the transfer of innovations from French academic research to companies. SATT Ouest Valorisation’s teams, which are attentive to the needs of public research laboratories in Brittany and Pays de la Loire and of companies, offer a complete and tailor-made range of services.

Contact Ouest Valorisation 

Bruno Westeel // Responsable Marketing & Communication / 06 18 70 31 91

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